•          I Love Math!
    Welcome to Ms. Szot's Webpage


    My Pledge: I pledge to you my students to challenge and encourage you this year as you grow as a math student. I will be available to help you when needed to ensure that you have a complete understanding of the material. I promise to work hard with you and give you the support that you need to be successful.


    MVCC Math Materials For Year:                                          

    • 2 ” binder to be used for notes and handouts
    • Loose leaf paper to fill binder and for homework assignments
    • Dividers for Binder   Labeled:    1. Important Items   2. Notes     3. Review     4. Homework      5. Quizzes
    • Dry Erase Markers (for whiteboards)
    • Graphing Calculator – a TI-Inspire or TI 84 Plus is recommended
    • Straight edge
    • Graph paper


    My Schedule:

    Period 1 - Available for Help

    Period 2 - Pre-Calculus

    Period 3 - MA115 / MA110

    Period 4 - MA115 

    Period 5 - Lunch

    Period 6 - Hall Duty

    Period 7 - MA115 / MA110 

    Period 8 - Available for Help / MA125

    Period 9 - Algebra 1 Lab 


    Pencil     EXTRA HELP: Please come for help when you are confused about the material. I am available before school, after school, or during an available period.
    Stay Up To Date! - Check the Homework Assignments page for Assignments, Quizzes and Material to be Covered - Check the Important Information page for Important Dates and Information - Log on to Useful Links on the Useful Link Page