Healey, Kelly
This year we will be learning what good readers and writers do. We will practice applying those strategies to the work we do everyday.
Please don’t get lost in all the reading and writing you have to do all day. Come see me before or after school for help.
You can find me in Room 128.What Good Readers DO:
Ø Determine your purpose.
Ø Make connections between the text and your life, your knowledge of the world or another text.
Ø Make predictions.
Ø Visualize.
Ø Use print conventions.
Ø Stop & think about what you’ve just read.
Ø Ask yourself questions & try to answer them.
Ø Reflect in writing about what you’ve read.
Ø Retell what you’ve read.
Ø Reread.
Ø Notice patterns in text structure.
Ø Adjust your reading rate.
What Good Readers DON’T Do:
Ø Read to finish instead of reading to understand.
Ø Read the words without making a picture in their minds.
Ø Continue reading when they know they don’t understand.
Ø Ignore and skip unknown words.
Ø Read all texts the same way.
“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secretsare always hidden in the most unlikely places.Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.” - Roald Dahl