- Students will act in accordance to lab safety guidelines at all times. If you are not safe in lab you will receive a zero on the lab at hand and be asked to leave the room immediately.
- Students are expected to be on time to class and have all materials with them.
- Students are expected to participate in class. They are also to be respectful to all members of the class.
- Students are to keep all materials for later use (aka studying for the Regent's at the end of the year).
- Students will hand assignments in on time.
- If a student misses a class it is their responsibility to get missed work as soon as they return to class. (It is not your teachers responsibility to make sure you have your work, it is yours!)
- If a student misses a test or quiz, they will make up that test or quiz on the day of their return to class.
- If a student knows of an upcoming absence it is their responsibility to let the teacher know prior to the absence and gain any materials they may miss. If a students will be absent during a test or quiz class period, they should take it prior to their absence.
- If a student is falling behind, is confused, lost or missing work, the student is to ask for help!
RSH will be utilized for students with a 70 or below as well as missing labs. A student is typically given notice. Once notice is given work needs to be in by the end of the day Friday. If not, the student will be in for the entire following week.