- Holland Patent Central School District
- Elementary Counseling Department
You are welcome to call at any time for support or resources.HPE - (315) 865-8151GWF -(315) 865-5721A school social worker is:- A trained professional who works with students, teachers and parents to promote student success.
- Liaison between teachers, parents, students, administrators and the community.
School social workers:
- Provide support to students having difficulties with social, emotional and behavioral adjustments.
- Provide individual and group counseling.
- Provide crisis intervention.
- Link students and families to community resources/agencies.
- Advocate for students, parents, teachers and schools.
- Work as part of a multidisciplinary team to develop programs for children.
- Promote regular school attendance.
- Conduct home visits.
- Provide case management services to students and families.
- Conduct assessment of student/family needs.
- Conduct classroom observations.
- Provide parent education.
- Meet with parents to discuss concerns about their child and/or family situation.
The school social worker provides help to:
- Students
- Parents
- Teachers/Administrators
A student or parent can make an appointment to see the school social worker through:
- Parental request
- Teacher/school staff referral
A variety of counseling services are available for elementary students including individual and group counseling:
- The groups that are available address anger management, self-control issues, divorce, etc.
- Referrals for any counseling services can be made by parents, teachers or other school staff.
- Parental permission is needed for a child to participate.