- Holland Patent Central School District
- Research Assistance
Library and Media Services
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Purdue Online Writing Lab (APA and MLA Manuals)
Help! My teacher/professor requires my paper to be written in APA style! This is the webpage will guide you through APA and MLA styles of writing. It's always been up-to-date with the latest version of the style guides!
Fake News?
All of this news about "Fake News" is really just OLD NEWS. Misinformation has existed since the beginning of our nation (at least).. We need to just accept that not everything printed and not everything on the web is going to be correct/trustworthy/reliable/worthy of repeating or sharing. Don't believe everything you hear or read! Accept that, please. Here is an excellent article giving advice on how to judge the reliability of a news source (which is really all the stuff you learn in HS with Mrs. Horwat and your English teachers, but it's a handy and brief checklist).
Learn this, and use it---ALWAYS. Be information literate!
The CRAAP Test: Evaluating sources
This librarian has compiled a few short videos and a checklist to help you evaluate sources of information (especially websites!) to see if they are worth using for your information needs.
Outline Creator
This interactive tool creates an outline for the presentation of what you learned, whether it be a research paper, presentation, or essay. A good outline is essential for a complete and organized presentation, so use this!
Noodle Tools (from home)
A tool for your entire research process! Virtually create, manipulate and organize your notecards, properly cite, and easily use your cards to prepare your paper's outline.
To access this tool for free through your school library services, go to OPALS library (through Classlink) and click on the SEARCH 24/7 Databases and scroll down to N for NoodleTools.